A videoinstalação Cinema Lascado: Perimetral na Caixa Cultural (SP). Foto: Cecília Bastos (Jornal da USP)
A exposição Cinema Lascado é destaque de capa da nova edição da revista de cultura contemporânea Neural (Itália), dedicada ao tema das “Utopias Inconvenientes”. Cinema Lascado aborda as ruínas tecnológicas e as fraturas urbanas das metrópoles brasileiras. O crítico André Mintz destaca:
“Gathering Works from a span of 10 years of Beiguelman’s artistic production in the digital arts, Chiodetto’s selection focuses on the static and moving images mostly dedicated to the shifting urban landscapes of Brazilian metropolises Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Those records, however, are as much engaged with their subjects as they are with formal and technical experimentation with the digital constitution of the images produced. Beiguelman puts them through various traumatic processing methods that generate dysfunctional artefacts on their surfaces, stressing their materiality in the form of glitches. As the artist herself puts it, her interest is in the ruin, both of the city and of the technology.” Cinema Lascado exhibition (Excerpt from: Andre Mintz. Neural, 55, p.48-50)
+Cinema Lascado:
Silas Martí. Even Magazine 5, Fall 2016.
Arte 1: Em Movimento
Coluna de Guilherme Wisnik na Rádio USP
Texto crítico do curador Eder Chiodetto na revista Arshake
Artigo de Gustavo Fioratti na Folha Ilustrada
Resenha do crítico Ronaldo Entler para Icônica
Perfil da artista no site “O Beijo”
Jornal da USP
Metropolis – TV Cultura
Catálogo (PDF para download aqui)